Category: Uncategorized

  • Chris Buck Solo Challenge!

    Johannes took part to the Chris Buck Solo Challenge. An immensely enjoyable track to play over. The song is Cardinal Black’s Your Spark Blows Me to Pieces. #yoursparksolo Enjoy!

  • New release / uusi julkaisu: Lomalla

    Nyt lähtee uusi hiphop-kausi! Uusi raita “Lomalla” läväyttää smoothin r’n’b-riffin jengatessa sinut vapaapäivän lempeään keinuntaan. Tuore julkaisu nyt mm. Spotifyssä, YouTubessa ja Apple Musicissa. Kuuntele tästä Spotifyssä Kuuntele Apple Musicissa Kuuntele YouTubessa (ilmainen)

  • Guitar Venture Studio Magic (New YouTube video)

    Is the sky really the limit with this microphone? In this video I’ll delve into the fantastic DPA 4099 microphone which can transform your acoustic guitar sound both live or in the studio. This piece of audio engineering prowess has the potential to redefine your acoustic guitar experience, whether you’re strumming live on stage or…

  • New Website released

    Johannes Music website got a major revamp. Enjoy new pictures, lyrics and music, and the possibility to contact Johannes via a contact form. See the home page at

  • Fresh release: Miracle Man!

    The end of this October saw a new release, finally. Miracle Man is a rock n roll and country influenced tune capturing the spirit of dreaming big.

  • New YouTube Artist Channel released!

    It took ages, but now YouTube has finally verified My new official channel, freshly baked! To begin with, I’ll be pouring in guitar content and stuff about improvisation. This channel also houses all my releases, so if you don’t have Spotify, here you’ll always be served with my latest music… Here’s the link: Johannes –…